Konferens 22-23 oktober 2019

Dag 1. 10.05-10.50
Tema: AI och Automatisering

Introducing the Connecting Europe eArchiving Building Block

Konferensrum: Hörsalen

Tools available at the eArchiving Building Block. How can they be used? 

How to apply the European Union’s tools.

Janet Anderson was the Scientific Coordinator of the E-ARK and E-ARK4ALL projects, managing the project on a day-to-day basis. For E-ARK she also conducted the impact assessment. Within E-ARK, her interests lay particularly in using Big Data techniques for archiving databases and data warehouses, and in both projects she worked on developing metadata standards. She is currently Vice-Chair of the DILCIS Board. She holds a BSc in Mathematics, an MSc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, a PhD in the History of Mathematics, and a BA in French and she has been researching in the field of Digital Humanities for the last 25 years. She has recent experience working on the EC-funded E-RIHS, ROMOR and KEEP projects, and on the UKRO-funded SEAHA and POCOS projects.








David Anderson holds a PhD in artificial intelligence and has extensive experience in numerous funded projects in Digital Preservation and Archiving. He was responsible for Quality Management in the E-ARK and E-ARK4ALL projects.. He is currently DLM Secretary and Treasurer. David has 37 years’ experience working in Higher Education, in leadership roles where he was responsible for a number of innovations in teaching, including leading the development of CLEM (one of the first blended learning systems in the UK). He is the author of five books and numerous articles on computing and digital preservation, and is the Editor of the Taylor & Francis Journal ‘New Review of Information Networking’.









eArchiving Building Block https://ec.europa.eu/cefdigital/wiki/display/CEFDIGITAL/eArchiving 

E-ARK4ALL project http://e-ark4all.eu/